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Trauma Informed Care (TIC)

Traumatic stress can arise from a variety of sources, even the day-to-day exposure to events such as divorce or homelessness. Children and adults can be affected by traumatic stress. Having the tools to manage traumatic stress empowers the members of the school community. 

In a trauma-informed school division like Harrisonburg City Public Schools, the adults in the school community are prepared to recognize and respond to those who have been impacted by traumatic stress. Those adults include administrators, teachers, staff, parents, and law enforcement. In addition, students are provided with clear expectations and communication strategies to guide them through stressful situations. The goal is to not only provide tools to cope with extreme situations but to create an underlying culture of respect and support.

Trauma Informed Care (TIC) requires a whole-school division effort, that recognizes the impact of trauma and the need for a comprehensive services delivery for our students and families. HCPS is proud to embrace and embody Trauma Informed Care in our schools. 


                                        The four Rs of Trauma Informed Care Graphic

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