Q: Are schools using this now?
A: Yes, restorative justice in education falls into our Wellness goal in our strategic plan. However not every teacher has a foundation of prior training in RJE. HCPS provides professional development opportunities for all staff members across the district who want to grow in this area. HCPS also partners with Eastern Mennonite University for those who want to receive a graduate level certificate.
Q: Who is involved?
A: RJE strives to bring all parties involved and impacted as well as stakeholders that could serve in a supportive role for the ongoing well-being for all.
Q: Do caregivers need to be notified/a part of the process?
A: Caregivers are asked to be involved as much as they would like to be. HCPS values family engagement. We encourage peers to work out conflicts with each other. In the event that a restorative process is needed, the caregiver would be invited to take part in this process.
Q: How do students get referred?
A: Students can self refer if they need support working out a conflict. Teachers can refer to support staff and administrators if needed. Additional resources provided by trained staff is always available upon request.
Q: How do I get more information and training about RJE?
A: Staff participate in a graduate level certificate in Restorative Justice in Education at Eastern Mennonite University. Click here for more information
For additional questions contact:
Isaiah Dottin-Carter, Restorative Practice Coordinator