The division network and access to the internet are provided with the purpose of facilitating learning and enhancing educational information based on school division curriculum and instructional goals. In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), HCPS makes every reasonable effort to filter access to internet content that is obscene, depicts pornography, or is harmful to or deemed inappropriate for minors. For this purpose, HCPS employs ContentKeeper as an internet filtering solution.
Occasionally, legitimate educational sites may be inadvertently blocked by this filter. It is important to check sites at school before planning to use them with students; just because it works at home doesn't mean it is unblocked at school. If this happens, teachers can request a review to change the filtering status of the site. Teachers also have the ability to temporarily override a blocked site.
To request that a particular website be unblocked for students, teachers should email the site URL to their building Instructional Technology Coach (ITC). The site will be reviewed by the ITC and by the Network Supervisor, Dwayne Hottinger, for inappropriate content, educational use, and how the site may be used throughout the division and not just in one particular teacher's classroom.