The Harrisonburg City School Board provides a computer system, including the internet, to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. Use of the Division's computer system is intended to support education and/or research and for legitimate school business. Policies 667 Acceptable Computer System Use and 667-R Technology Use Guidelines establish important guidelines that teachers must follow when using division network and Internet resources.
The network supervisor will investigate and report inappropriate behaviors as directed by the building supervisor who will take appropriate disciplinary action. Any other reports of inappropriate behavior, violations, or complaints will be routed to the employee's supervisor for appropriate action. Violations may result in a loss of access and/or disciplinary action. When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved. Network use should be responsible, efficient, and ethical. Check with school technology staff for information concerning access to and use of the network.
Policies 751 Acceptable Computer System Use and 751-R Technology Use Guidelines establish important guidelines that students must follow. Staff members need to be familiar with these guidelines to ensure that students are following them. All teachers are expected to include internet safety training for students. This may best be done through "teachable moments" or planned discussions when students are using technology. Check with your ITC for suggestions and resources for your grade level.
All staff members are expected to abide by copyright regulations. This includes both print and electronic resources. Staff members should model and teach appropriate use. Some key points include:
Be sure to read the terms of use for each site.