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Harrisonburg City Public Schools Harrisonburg City Public Schools Logo

Digital Resource Request


General Guidelines

  • To request access to software (free or paid), browser extensions and apps for staff use only, simply make the request by opening a Help Desk ticket.

  • To request that a particular website be unblocked for staff, simply use the Submit URL button on the ContentKeeper block page.

    Submit URL

  • To request that a particular website be unblocked for students, teachers should email the site URL to their building Instructional Technology Coach (ITC). The site will be reviewed by the ITC and by the Network Supervisor, Dwayne Hottinger, for inappropriate content, educational use, and how the site may be used throughout the division and not just in one particular teacher's classroom.

  • To request software, browser extensions or apps for staff-use only, please open a Help Desk ticket.  It is helpful if you can include a link to the software, browser extension or app as well as the HCPS asset tag number (HCPS#####) of the target device.

  • A review is required for all software (free or paid), browser extensions and apps for student use. Learn Platform has a list of software, browser extensions, and apps that have been reviewed for use in HCPS.  If the digital resource you are requesting is not listed, you will need to request the app on Learn Platform.

  • Teachers should utilize existing digital resources, especially those in the HCPS Digital Toolkit, as well as review these considerations before requesting additional resources.  Prior to making a request, contact your school’s Instructional Technology Coach.  They can help you determine if the resource has already been approved or denied or if there are other resources available that would meet the same instructional objectives.

  • If you are requesting a free trial of a web-based resource, please reach out to your building Instructional Team Leader and the appropriate Curriculum Coordinator before making a request.  This will allow conversations about instructional use as well as projected scope and cost if the resource were to be adopted.  Moving forward, we want to ensure equitable access to paid versions of digital resources across the division and thus will not approve free trials unless the tool addresses currently unmet instructional needs and would fit in future budgets.

  • School-based purchasing of digital resources for the building, grade level, or individual teacher is discouraged as division-level purchasing is more cost effective, equitable and supportable.


Learn Platform Request Procedure

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