Harrisonburg City Public Schools offers a variety of courses to help prepare students for career success.
At the middle school level, we offer courses in Computer Science, STEM Tech Ed, and Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS).
At the high school level, we offer courses in Computer Science, STEM Academy, Tech Ed, Broadcasting, Business, Marketing, Health Science, and JROTC. Additionally, students may enroll for courses at Massanutten Technical Center in a variety of program areas.
Consult your school's Program of Studies for additional information on these courses. Signups occur annually in the spring or when transferring students enroll.
Information on college and career data for Virginia can be found on these sites:
State Council of Higher Education of Virginia
Virginia Works
Transfer Virginia
CTE Trailblazers
Division contact:
Dr. Jeremy Aldrich
CTE, Gifted, and World Language Programs Director
Phone: 540-434-9916