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Harrisonburg City Public Schools Harrisonburg City Public Schools Logo

Does it cost to have my child evaluated for special education services?

  • No.  All evaluation components are provided free of charge. 

How do I find out if my child needs special education services?

  • Contact the principal of your child's school to discuss your concerns.  The principal will then have the school's Student Support Team (SST) set up a meeting to determine if an evaluation for special education services is necessary. 

What do I do as a parent if I have a disagreement concerning my child's special education program or placement?

  • Ask for a conference with your child's special education teacher and principal.  Should the problem continue to be unresolved, contact the Director of Special Education and request an explanation of your rights as provided through due process procedures.

What rights do I have as a parent if I disagree with the evaluation of my child?

  • According to state and federal special education laws, parents/guardians have the right to an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) of their child at public expense if they disagree with an evaluation of the child conducted by the district.  Parents, you may submit a request orally or in writing for an IEE to your child’s school or the Office of Special Education at 540-434-2752 or via email to the Director of Special Education

If my child does need special education services, will he/she have to go to a different school?

  • Probably not.  Most students with a disability receive assistance at their community school.  In some cases where a student requires more intensive programming, special transportation is provided to another school which will have the particular resource required for the student to receive a free and appropriate public education.

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