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Massanutten Regional Governor's School is one of nineteen (19) Academic Year Governor's Schools in the state of Virginia. Students, juniors and seniors from Harrisonburg High School, attend half-day for the academic year. The school provides an integrated and enriched research-based curriculum to highly motivated and intellectually gifted students based on environmental science and technology. Students take their mathematics, science, and English courses at MRGS and then return to their HHS to take their other required courses and electives as well as participating in extra-curricular activities. Participation is through a selection process conducted during the student's sophomore year with a parent/student information night in October, visit to the school in November, and application process in December/January.
For application materials, please see the Massanutten Regional Governor's School website here. Questions can be directed to Ms. Lester at
The Language Support Programs of HCPS serve culturally and linguistically diverse students whose native language is not English. The objective of the program is to provide students with the English and academic skills needed to be successful, active participants in the local community.
HCPS has one of the highest percentages of English Language Learners (ELL) in the Commonwealth of Virginia. More than 34% of our 5, 600 students are identified ELLSs with an additional 20% coming from homes where English is not the dominant language. Our diverse ELL population includes students born in 47 different countries - including many born in the US - speaking 48 different languages.
Students new to the US school system and to the English language are provided with intense support for accelerated English Language acquisition. As students progress through the proficiency levels, as determined by the WIDA ACCESS test, support can be provided in a variety of ways: sheltered classrooms, literacy support, additional instructional time, modification of instruction, in-class accommodations, tutoring and mentoring.
Each student is provided with what fits best with the student's individual needs. The objective of the program is to facilitate the development of academic English language skills and to equip students with the tools necessary to be successful, active participants in the school and local community.
ELLs are expected to meet the same standards for graduation as their English-speaking peers.
Massanutten Technical Center (MTC) is a regional career and technical school serving students from Harrisonburg City and Rockingham County. MTC provides the skills needed for employment in local industries and the necessary background for both career advancement and continued education. Students successfully completing an MTC program will receive a certificate. Additionally, some programs provide the appropriate instruction so those students are prepared to pass state or national certification standards. MTC has a commitment to the philosophy that education should not end at graduation, but should be a lifelong process. HHS requires that students planning to attend MTC must be in good academic, attendance and disciplinary standing. Students must be on-track for on time graduation in order to participate in this program. Students may be removed from the program if necessary to ensure on time graduation, or if they are not maintaining good standing
Please contact your School Counselor for more information or click here to visit MTC's website.
The HHS Governor's STEM Academy is one of twenty-two Governor's STEM Academies in the state of Virginia and one of only two that exist formed by students exclusively from a single high school. One of the purposes of a Governor's STEM academy is to break down barriers between traditional academic subjects; between academic subjects and career and technical education (CTE); between high school and postsecondary education and training; and between education and the workplace. Harrisonburg High School does this utilizing two competitive pathways within the HHS Governor's STEM Academy. These two pathways are the Mathematics and Science Pathway (the first Governor's STEM Academy to have such a pathway) and the Technology and Engineering Pathway.
Math and Science Pathway
Students experience a deep and challenging high school education rich in mathematics and science. Students commit to taking science and mathematics every year, accumulating at least fifteen hours of transferable college credits, nine of which are in math and science. This pathway provides opportunities to investigate a variety of math and science related careers through research, field trips, and guest speakers in STEMinars. The program culminates in a capstone course of research or mentorship.
Engineering and Technology Pathway
This pathway is designed for students who have interest in an integrated approach to learning. Courses in English, math, science, and engineering are interconnected, and technology use is infused throughout. Entering as freshmen, each cohort learns to work together as a highly functioning team while remaining fully engaged members of the student body of HHS. The program culminates in a college credit engineering course and a capstone engineering project or science research.
Questions can be directed to STEM Director, Ms. Amy Sabarre at