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SAT/ACT Registration

Free SAT/ACT Prep Sites

  • CollegeBoard SAT PracticeSAT questions of the day, sample practice questions and full length tests.
  • ACT Online PrepFree ACT Prep available to students who qualify for a fee waiver and register for a national ACT® test date with a fee waiver. 
  • Khan Academy Download a real, full-length SAT practice test, watch Sal work through real SAT problems, and get even more practice using interactive questions.
  • Plato SAT Prep CourseAll HHS students have free access to this online SAT Prep course.

         Login Instructions: 

         Account Login: hcsd14

         Plato Name: Student Lunch Number

         Password: Student Lunch Number

  • PrepFactoryWatch hours and hours of in-depth, high-quality SAT and ACT instruction from instructors accross the United States. 
  • March2SuccessTeaming with Petersons and College Options Foundation, March 2 Success offers practice tests, flashcards and games to help students prepare for college entrance exams.  7 full length practice tests are available for both the SAT and ACT. Each section of the practice test is timed and scored just like the real test.  When a section is completed, students can review their test and see detailed explanations of each problem.  The practice test sections also include information about the test, test dates and tips and test taking strategies.
  • Sadlier-OxfordPractice center specifically designed to assist students with grammar and writing for the SAT and ACT.
  • Chegg Test Prep- Students can get instant access to hundreds of expert SAT, ACT, and GRE test prep guides. 

SAT Prep Programs

James Madison University SAT Prep Courses 


SAT Prep courses during the academic year prepare students to reach the exam date of their choice at peak performance. Students are provided with an in-depth review of the exam materials, insight into strategies for succeeding on standardized tests, and a comprehensive study plan.

The SAT Prep Course includes:

         -20 hours of expert classroom instruction

         -Easy to follow study plan

         -Course Textbook: The Official SAT Study Guide with Supplemental DVD

         -Course Workbook

SAT 1 Prep at Blue Ridge Community College 

This course will prepare you to deal successfully with exam topics ranging from writing to critical reading and math.  Learn about short passages, long passages, and paired passages that test reading comprehension, as well as higher level math questions (geometric notation, basic trigonometry, and new statistics concepts), and the required essay.  

Outsmart the SAT 

The Catalyst SAT Bootcamp is a momentum-boosting seminar that arms students with go-to strategies for every question they'll face on the day of the test. This course has been held at Spotswood High School for the past few years.

SAT Tutoring

Clayborne Education, LLC offers personalized tutoring and SAT prep opportunities. For more information visit the link above or call 434-295-4501 or e-mail The founder of this organization, Clay Daniel, is an HHS and Harvard alumnus and achieved perfect scores on the critical reading and math sections of the SAT.





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