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Zwanzig, Adrian
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Position: 6th Grade Math
Departments: SKMS
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Quimby, Alan
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Position: ITRT
Departments: SKMS
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Milton, Alayne
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Position: 7th Grade English
Departments: SKMS
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Grover, Amanda
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Position: Reading Specialist
Departments: SKMS
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Horne, Amanda
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Position: ESL Specialist
Departments: SKMS
Powers, Amy
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Position: Counselor
Departments: SKMS
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Adjetey, Anita
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Position: Counselor
Departments: SKMS
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Detamore, April
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Position: 8th Grade English
Departments: SKMS
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Lambert, Ashley
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Position: STEM
Departments: SKMS
Pyle, Barbara
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Position: 7th Grade Math
Departments: SKMS
Ashcraft, Bonnie
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Position: 8th Grade English
Departments: SKMS
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Jablonski, Caleb
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Position: 7th Grade Math
Departments: SKMS
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Randolph, Callie
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Position: Teen Living
Departments: SKMS
Buchanan, Catherine
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Position: STEM
Departments: SKMS
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Bailey, Courtney
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Position: 6th Grade English
Departments: SKMS
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Kirwan, Daniel
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Position: Administrator
Departments: SKMS
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Figliola, Deborah
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Position: SPED
Departments: SKMS
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Mongold, Deborah
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Position: Chorus
Departments: SKMS
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Huyard, Dwight
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Position: 7th Grade Science
Departments: SKMS
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Saylor, Ed
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Position: Computer Technician
Departments: SKMS
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Morris, Emily
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Position: Newcomers
Departments: SKMS
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Sheahan, Emily
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Position: 6th Grade Science/US History I
Departments: SKMS
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Appleton, Emma
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Position: 8th Grade Civics
Departments: SKMS
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Miller, Eric
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Position: Administrator
Departments: SKMS
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Granados, Erick
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Position: Assistant
Departments: SKMS
Clark, Ethan
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Position: 6th Grade Science
Departments: SKMS
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Cruz, Evelyn
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Position: Instructional Assistant
Departments: SKMS
Donado, Ezequiel
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Position: Dual Language Teacher
Departments: SKMS
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Philp, Gerald
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Position: Band
Departments: SKMS
Al Muqdadi, Haneen
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Position: Instructional Assistant
Departments: SKMS
Ortiz, Isaiah
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Position: Strings
Departments: SKMS
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Ludwig, Janae
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Position: 7th Grade Math
Departments: SKMS
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Milton, Jason
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Position: 8th Grade Civics
Departments: SKMS
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Klemt, Jeannie
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Position: Bookkeeper
Departments: SKMS
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Peake, Jeffrey
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Position: STEM
Departments: SKMS
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Middleton, Jenn
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Position: Drama
Departments: SKMS
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Pyle, Jessica
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Position: Instructional Coach
Departments: SKMS
Button, Joy
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Position: PE
Departments: SKMS
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Luna, Joy
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Position: 6th Grade English
Departments: SKMS
Liss, Julie
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Position: Administrative Assistant
Departments: SKMS
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Thurston, Julie
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Position: SPED
Departments: SKMS
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Box, Kate
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Position: 6th Grade Math
Departments: SKMS
Bassell, Katherine
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Position: 6th Grade English
Departments: SKMS
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Quimby, Katherine
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Position: Librarian
Departments: SKMS
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Shull, Katie
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Position: 6th Grade Math
Departments: SKMS
Irby, Kirk
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Position: ALC
Departments: SKMS
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Smiley, Krista
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Position: Reading Specialist
Departments: SKMS
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Daniels, Lana
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Position: Reading Specialist
Departments: SKMS
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Marshall, Laura
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Position: Nurse
Departments: SKMS
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Van Demark, Laura
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Position: 7th Grade US History II
Departments: SKMS
Jackson, Lauren
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Position: 8th Grade Science
Departments: SKMS
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Woods, Leatrice
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Position: Assistant Principal
Departments: (None)
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Amortegui Barreto, Luis
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Position: Dual Language Teacher
Departments: SKMS
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Erickson, Mallery
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Position: ESL
Departments: SKMS
Wilson, Maria
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Position: Special Education
Departments: SKMS
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Frederick-Petersheim, Marta
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Position: 7th Grade US History II
Departments: SKMS
Howard, Mylinda
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Position: Instructional Assistant
Departments: SKMS
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Nixon, Nicole
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Position: Computers
Departments: SKMS
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Pluma Ferrer, Niuvys
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Position: Spanish
Departments: SKMS
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Olay-May, Olma
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Position: SPED
Departments: SKMS
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Sauder, Rachel
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Position: Math
Departments: SKMS
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Hendricks, Randa
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Position: 7th Grade US History II
Departments: SKMS
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Perry, Ronald
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Position: Student Support Specialist
Departments: SKMS
Al Maliki, Rusul
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Position: Instructional Assistant
Departments: SKMS
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Dirks, Sarah
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Position: SPED
Departments: SKMS
Wisor, Sarah
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Position: Counselor
Departments: SKMS
Samples, Stephanie
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Position: SPED
Departments: SKMS
Shoemaker, Tamara
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Position: ESOL Teacher
Phone: 540-434-1949
Departments: SKMS
Crist, Tina
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Position: Instructional Assistant
Departments: SKMS
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Showalter, Tina
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Position: STEM
Departments: SKMS
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Taylor, Todd
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Position: PE
Departments: SKMS
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Ogundipe, Tola
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Position: 8th Grade Science
Departments: SKMS
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Fajardo-Gomez, Tony
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Position: Home School Liaison
Departments: SKMS
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Oyer, Trevor
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Position: 8th Grade Civics
Departments: SKMS
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Fulford, Tyler
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Position: 6th Grade Math
Departments: SKMS
Jerrell, Tyler
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Position: Pre-Algebra & Algebra I
Departments: SKMS
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Griffith, Zanda
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Position: Administrative Assistant
Departments: SKMS

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