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Homeless Resources

 Harrisonburg Housing Authority logo 

  Mercy House Logo

Provides the community with the housing choice vouchers and family self-sufficiency programs. 

(540) 434-7386

Provides families with shelter care, rapid rehousing assistance, and other housing support programs

(540) 432-1812

First Step logo

Salvation Army Logo

Provides victims of domestic violence shelter care and other domestic violence support services

(540) 434-0295

Provides individuals and families with shelter care, utility assistance, and other housing and community support programs

(540) 433-2785

Open Doors Logo

Project Hope Virginia Logo

Shelter services provided November-April of each year. Shelter is set up on a rotating schedule in local faith communities in the Harrisonburg/Rockingham area. 

(540) 578-3868

Ensures the enrollment, attendance, and the school success of children and youth experiencing homelessness through public awareness efforts across the commonwealth and sub-grants to local school divisions




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